Backlit Poppy Acrylic Print

by Fred Denner

Product Details
Backlit Poppy acrylic print by Fred Denner. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of an acrylic print. Your image gets printed directly onto the back of a 1/4" thick sheet of clear acrylic. The high gloss of the acrylic sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results. Two different mounting options are available, see below.
Design Details
Backlit poppy from 2013 garden.
Ships Within
3 - 4 business days
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Comments (2)
Artist's Description
Backlit poppy from 2013 garden.
About Fred Denner

Alaska Wilderness Prints offers you a way to appreciate the wilderness you love. The essence of place is frozen in time through a story of shadow and light-a story that will never be exactly the same, once the shutter is released. The beauty of nature and life, and the heart, soul and love that beauty inspires in me I share with you through Alaska Wilderness Prints. As a young photojournalist student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks more than 40 years ago, I learned camera basics and thought I was well on my way to a career, only to be derailed by my passion for backcountry life. Now, after 40-plus years leading a subsistence lifestyle of hunting, trapping and log-building at Dan Creek, Alaska, digital photography and the...
Gisele Cordonnnier
I love it so much !! I would be so happy to take this kind of photo...
Natalie Ortiz
Gorgeous intensity with this floral, Fred. Amazing backlit silhouette.
Fred Denner replied:
Thanks for the great comment Natalie.